Wow... its been more than a month since I last posted. In some ways, I know no one reads my blog.. but I feel like I'm short-changing myself, if you know what I mean. I created this to pinpoint my current interests, and a lot has changed since I started. It's funny to see how much I've grown and learned.
I have no excuses, but I'm applying to 4 different highschools while juggling sports, guitar and friends. I've wanted to get back to posting, but I never got a push (or enough free time) too.
Despite this, I still can't guarantee I will be posting regularly. I want to evolve the style of my posts, and in the interrim they may become less frequent. Bear with me, I'm trying to find time. Please spread the word about my blog to your friends! It would be a little more encouraging to see.
Aww thanks! I've been having an off-month.